Salaam, I’m Abdellatif
I’m a product builder that likes creating beautiful UIs.
I worked as a Frontend engineer at Twitter. Co-founded, lead the engineering team at, and shipped with my friends at
I’m back to building 0 -> 1 products. hmu
A directory of intern events used by over 1,800 Bay Area interns during the summer of 2017.
Built the website in 6 hours using React and Redux.
TensorFlow: Image Recognition
Published an article on artificial convolutional neural networks using TensorFlow.
The article went viral on HackerNews reaching the #4 spot and getting 7,200 reads in one day.
Access the Article
Solely built the entire front-end (42k+ lines of code) for an early stage startup using React, Redux and styled-components.
Worked directly with the founders and delivered the product in < 20 days.
sjsu msa
Built the website for San Jose State University's Muslim Student Association using React, Material-UI and Firebase. (You can scroll through the image)
The stack is an overkill for such a project but I wanted brush up on React before getting into an upcoming project!

Aimber creates a student feed centered around classes and campus events. It allows students to find peers for study groups, sports and on-campus events.
The app is now available on the App Store!

A clone built using React.js and Firebase. There weren't any up-to date React.js and firebase code samples after Firebase significantly modified their sdk in May 2016 so we created one!
The project got featured on!
Suicide King
Got the third place in SVVR's IBM Watson + HTC Vive Hackathon. Our team developed a novel way to play VR games using image recognition. The game uses Machine Learning to identify an object in real-life through the headset's camera, then causes an in-game interaction. For example, holding a red card can cause the player to have a fire power.
I worked on training the neural network and configuring the API calls for the game developers.